Calypso Rose, the Heart and Soul of the Caribbean On the Time After Island Time show Produced by Paul Leslie, Jeff Pike, and Heather Dee Perry
We continue our calypso-series by welcoming back the legendary Heart and Soul of the Caribbean, the undisputed Queen of Calypso, Calypso Rose. As one of the most prolific Calypsonian songwriters, she has written over 800 songs which have been covered in many languages around the world. Calyspo Rose has been recognized all over the world, and is known for blazing the trail for many modern female and male Calypso singers. As she tells the story of her life and songs, you will find her optimism and thirst for life to be infectious. She tells her story, sings and makes the story of Calypso come alive.
Tune into Time After Island Time from anywhere in the world on Radio JimmyDreamz! Monday - 3:00 PM - April 28, 2008
Wednesdays - 9:00 AM - April 30, 2008
Thursdays - MIDNIGHT - May 1, 2008
Saturday - 8:00 PM - May 3, 2008
*All Broadcasts are Eastern Time*
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